How to change database connection settings in Orchard CMS.

Change database connection string in Orchard CMS.

Orchard support MSSQL server in two ways

1. Use built-in data storage(SQL Server compact)
2 . Use an existing SQL Server(or SQL Express) database

If you want change database string of orchard CMS , you will not able to find anything in web.config file in main root !

The reason is that orchard CMS use "App_Data" folder for setup database connection settings .

You can find out database setting file "Settings.txt"  in "Orchard.Web\App_Data\Sites\Default" folder.

You will see content of "Settings.txt" file like this


State: Running
Name: Default
DataProvider: SqlServer
DataConnectionString: Data Source=server;Initial Catalog=database;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=sa;Password=system12345
DataTablePrefix: Code
RequestUrlHost: null
RequestUrlPrefix: null
EncryptionAlgorithm: AES
EncryptionKey: FB5FC52C3F550C7C54D5D7F14EB144A63E09333FD01D6FA0D0BE6A73A67E6B74
HashAlgorithm: HMACSHA256
HashKey: 95A56592B3D0543C7C5E1BD5D49C2A20366F52BA5F726138D5DE7BD1CA49D900003E4DBD272E0B53DD16524F62AD4C4BC0B0D19BB0BF84761B6FC08F93F98FA8


You need to change these two settings

Orchard settings for SqlServer DataProvider

DataProvider: SqlServer
DataConnectionString: Data Source=server;Initial Catalog=database;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=sa;Password=system12345

Orchard settings for SqlCe DataProvider 

DataProvider: SqlCe
DataConnectionString: Data Source=server;Initial Catalog=database;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=sa;Password=system12345

If you want start from fresh database with other DataProvider delete "App_Data" and start again.

Note: You can face "SERVER ERROR IN ORCHARDLOCAL APPLICATION" problem when database connection settings is wrong.

For see log file go into "Orchard.Web\App_Data\Logs" folder and you will able to see log file there.
