Wakanda Open Source Libraries ,Frameworks and IDE for Angular, Ionic and Cordova Development

Wakanda integrates the open source libraries and frameworks that you are already using such as Angular, Ionic and Cordova.

Wakanda is the first W-RAD (Web Rapid Application Development) as well as M-RAD (Mobile Rapid Applicaion Development), capable of creating multi-channel applications for mobile, Web and desktop. Wakanda unifies the technologies behind JavaScript while remaining open source and open to integration with new solutions based on JavaScript.

Wakanda is an "apps factory", based on open standards. It allows enterprise to industrialize their application development process, all while keeping total flexibility and openness by implementing a structured and repeatable process. Enterprises gain productivity, master and control development costs, and can maintain evolving applications.

Wakanda Framework end-to-end JavaScript solutions for developing mobile, web and desktop applications, Wakanda adapts to your habits. You use the Wakanda framework to structure your application or you can choose the framework you already love: Angular, Cordova, Sencha, JQuery or even KendoUI.

Create your native iOS application thanks to the integration of the iOS SDK.


  1. Rationalization of methods for application development,
  2. Integration with your databases: MongoDB, CouchDB, Oracle, MySQL, SQL Server, etc.,
  3. Integration with your application environment: Google Drive, Dropbox, Salesforce, SAP, Mulesoft, etc.,
  4. Integration with your technical environment: Angular, Bootstrap, Cordova, Phonegap, Ionic, etc.,
  5. Improvement of productivity and access to new markets.
Learn more about Wakanda


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